Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute

The Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute is the qualification center for Bulgarian and international diplomats to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria. The main objective of the Institute is the provide training and qualification programs and foster a better understanding for the world of global politics and international relations.

Since its establishment until now the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria has developed 30 training programs and conducted more than 100 trainings with over 5000 students. The insititute has organized more than 150 public lectures, 34 conferences and forums with speakers from over 30 countries. The Institute is involved in 25 projects and has signed more than 100 memorandums of cooperation with international partners. Also, the Institute has successfully developed its publishing activities, the number of printed publications of the Institute amounted to 10 books, four pamphlets , collections and 21 textbooks and 10 issues of the magazine " Diplomacy " , which this year celebrates its fifth anniversary.