Pallas Athéné Geopolitical Foundation (PAGEO) was established in 2014 by the Central Bank of Hungary, with the aim to enhance the geopolitical research in Hungary, and to create a well-developed, highly professional institution, to be a base of an extensive international network of researchers, institutes and think -tanks with the same field of interest. At the beginning of 2016, in a ccordance with the Hungarian government’s ‘Opening Toward East’ policy, the leadership of PAGEO has advocated a new path for its future geopolitical researches, with putting more emphasize on the East and Southeast Asian regions, especially focusing on Chi na, India, Japan, South-Korea, Indonesia and Singapore. In order to be efficient and successful with this goal, PAGEO will remarkably enlarge the number of its experts by the end of 2017, and it will actively work on extending the relations and partnership s within the East Asian region.

Currently, there are 8 researchers (extending to 14 till the end of 2017) in PAGEO working on the Asian region, making both deep analyses and strategies for the Central Bank of Hungary and publishing articles and studies for public at large. In the last year more than 200 research materials (analyses, articles, policy briefs, book reviews etc.) were created by our team. The institute has also established a library, which already consists hundreds of items of the most recent geopolitical literature. In 2017, two large international conferences (one is related to the One Belt One Road initiative and the other to the changing world order) will be prepared.

In September 2015, PAGEO has launched a unique Geopolitical PhD Program: more than 60 students have started their PhD studies in 2015 and nearly 40 in 2016 in order to ensure the supply of the future geopolitical researchers. In addition to the research work, one of our most important missions is to give opportunity for univers ity students, young researchers and academics to make their voice heard more widely. To fulfil this, PAGEO enables scholarships (visiting scholar program), invite applications, organizes conferences and debates, sponsors prominent festivals, like Brain Bar Budapest and invites famous academics like Athanasios Orphanides, Parag Khanna, André Sapir, Paulo Roberto Feldmann,

PAGEO is committed to open for those who are interested to introduce the geopolitical thinking and the increasing global importance of Asi a. In order to fulfil this objective, since March 2015, PAGEO has severally organized its own special events – called PAGEO Club – with renowned guest speakers, like George Friedman, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Since 2016 we also publish our quarterly magazin e, titled Hungarian Geopolitics (HUG) containing articles written by academic standards but in an easily understandable form about or constantly changing world.

PAGEO websites: